Update: Enhancements for Browser Play and Mobile Controls

Hey everyone, I’ve made some updates to Defend the Signal based on your feedback! Since many prefer to play directly in the browser, I’ve improved the design to offer a better experience on web platforms.

I’ve also added a bar to show when the tank will overheat. The biggest change is Mobile controls! Now, you can enjoy the game right from the browser on mobile devices. Early testing shows it’s working “consistently” on most Android phones. Unfortunately, iPhones still have some compatibility issues, but I’m looking into it!

Additionally, I’ve received feedback that the current version might be too easy for some players. I’m considering adding a difficulty adjustment option in the next update to give everyone the challenge they’re looking for.

Thanks for all your feedback, and keep it coming! Your insights are helping shape Defend the Signal into the best game it can be.


DTSWebv02.zip 70 MB
33 days ago

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